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How We See Auburn

“How We See Auburn,” is comprised of blog posts that examine our preliminary research findings based on data collected through interviews and observations over our nine weeks of research. This section also includes our interpretation of the information included in other pages of this website. While our blogs focus on our personal experiences in Auburn, we recognize that our status as outsiders greatly impacts the ways in which we move through that space. As we attempt to unpack and synthesize our data, we hope to render visible the prison and its impacts on the city of Auburn, despite it being largely invisible to the people inside the town. Continue scrolling to read our analysis. 

Our research was conducted with three other group members whose projects can be accessed by clicking on the buttons below:


What's Missing?

**This post was written by both creators in a collaborative fashion** We went into this research project with the goal of learning about...

"Notable People"

On one of our visits, we stumbled upon Fort Hill Cemetery. I use the word stumbled because we had not made any planes to visit the...

"Back where they came from"

“I miss the days when we would send them back where they came from... Most of them are from the city." Many of my interlocutors mentioned...

Prison City Pub and Brewery

After talking with people in Auburn, I always asked if they had any dinner recommendations. This was, in part, because I was hungry after...

"We'd be lost without it"

Throughout my research in Auburn, I noticed that there were two main ways that the people of Auburn talk about the prison: it is either...

Auburn Fun Facts

Over the course of our trips, we have gathered many brochures, pamphlets, and booklets from various places around Auburn. As I poured...


Alan: Auburn had chance to be state capital… but they chose the prison. That tells you all you need to know, really. I met Alan at Cayuga...

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